To help you see whether coaching is a good fit for you, we offer a no-charge consultation to chat with you and answer any questions you may have.

Once you have made the choice to begin Retirement Coaching, we will discuss how to personalize the process for you. For many this beginning includes an assessment that helps us to fast-track the process by identifying areas of strength and need. Clients have stated that the assessment is a great way to start thinking about aspects they may have already been considering but with a new lens, and a way to bring forth areas that they hadn’t considered but find important to them.

After you’ve completed your assessment, we will schedule a convenient time for you (and your spouse/partner, if that applies) to discuss your personalized report (and theirs, if that applies) so that we can determine your focus areas.

We want to get to know you – we value your life experiences and how they’ve shaped you thus far; we care about your God-given strengths and gifts so that we can leverage those in your retirement story.

With this foundation, we will co-create an Action Plan for you and decide together how often we will meet to discuss your progress. The whole idea is to keep you on track, focused and moving forward in the building of your ideal retirement!